Augmented Reality: Is It Really the Future?
Augmented Reality is the technology which had captured our imagination
like no other before. This technology is often presented as the futuristic technology, but its form has been taken around for years. From being science based
concept to science based reality, augmented reality has grown from
consumer space to corporate space. There has been a time when the cost
of augmented reality was so substantial that the designers could only
dream of working on design projects that are involved in it but now it
has changed and is available on mobile phones as well. According to the
experts, the AR market could be worth $122 billion by 2024 to mix the
reality with fictions in images. There are some more challenges in AR
that are still to resolve. For ex: GPS is only accurate to within 30
feet and does not work in indoors but with improved image recognition
technology it may get resolved.
AR technology has much more to offer to the industry than just the entertainment. By the year 2025, the healthcare industry
will generate the revenue of around $5 billion and some technology
insiders expect to see the most advancement in the healthcare industry
because of augmented reality technology. The travel industry is
expected to boom as 84% of consumers worldwide, among which 42%
believes that AR is the future of tourism. The future will belong to AR
when it comes to improving the task efficiency or the quality of the
output of an experience for the user. Jessica Lowry writes for the Next
Web that, AR is the future of design as we know that mobile phones play a
significant role in everyone's lives, therefore due to this technology
it will provide the opportunities to enhance the user experience beyond
What is Augmented Reality?
In simple words, augmented reality is the technology which expands
the physical world of digital information by adding layers into it.
Augmented Reality technology does not create the whole artificial
environment just to replace them with a virtual one instead it appears
in direct view of the existing environment and adds the sounds, images,
video, graphics, etc to it. This technology has many different
implementation models and applications, but to provide a rich
audiovisual experience, is the primary objective or the motive behind
This technology works by employing the computerized simulations and
technique such as image and speech recognition. This technology is the
enhanced version of reality where with the help of super-imposed
computer-generated images, live direct or indirect views of the physical
real-world environment are augmented, which enhances one’s current
perception into reality. Some of the uses of augmented reality
technology in real life are given as below:
- In constructing a building, augmented reality can play a major
role. It can be used as Blueprints to supplement specific piece of
construction in the pipeline.
- It is helping teams of cooks who are working on a system that could be integrated into stoves to help people learn cooking food.
According to studies companies are spending big bucks over the augmented
reality. Augmented reality is still under the clouds and there are many
prospects on which the developers are working. Reportedly,Microsoft has paid $150 million to buy augmented reality assets , and even Sony PlayStation4 are coming up with an idea of Virtual Reality which they are planning to release in 2015 itself.
It also taking upper hand in the field of advertising and promotional
events. Today smartphones are equipped by powerful GPS receivers,
compasses and accelerometers that make it possible to know exactly where
it’s located and what they are looking at. Augmented reality apps such
as “LAYAR" takes the advantage of this to show people information about the surrounding including what businesses are nearby.
Although it does have some limitations like GPS is only accurate within
the range of 30 feet i.e. 9 meters and doesn’t work in the indoors as
well. Other than these even your connectivity matters it won’t work if
it’s not 3G network at least and the quality of your camera does effect
the technology when it comes to quality. Another major disadvantage is
the existing mobile devices are still not powerful enough to process the
required amount of data in real‐time whereas to run at interactive
frame rates is (15‐30 frames per second). There are also some privacy
concerns when it comes to image recognition software coupled with AR.
Despite of these few limitations; the future of augmented reality seems
really bright and prospective. Like any other evolving technology, AR
also faces some obstacles regarding technical issues, to social and
ethical problems to financial problem. Where none of the issues seems
overwhelming. With the time, all the technical issues will be resolved
and AR will definitely showcase something that would fill the gaps
between social and ethical issues too. Toward the end, what do you think
about this cool technology? Whether it work or it will fail? What are
your opinions about it?
---------By:Dwaipayan Mondal--------
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