The Learning Machines:  

Interest in machine learning has exploded over the past decade. You see machine learning in computer science programs, industry conferences, and the Wall Street Journal almost daily. For all the talk about machine learning, many conflate what it can do with what they wish it could do. Fundamentally, machine learning is using algorithms to extract information from raw data and represent it in some type of model. We use this model to infer things about other data we have not yet modeled.
Neural networks are one type of model for machine learning; they have been around for at least 50 years. The fundamental unit of a neural network is a node, which is loosely based on the biological neuron in the mammalian brain. The connections between neurons are also modeled on biological brains, as is the way these connections develop over time (with “training”).
In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, many important architectural advancements were made in neural networks. However, the amount of time and data needed to get good results slowed adoption, and thus interest cooled. In the early 2000s computational power expanded exponentially and the industry saw a “Cambrian explosion” of computational techniques that were not possible prior to this. Deep learning emerged from that decade’s explosive computational growth as a serious contender in the field, winning many important machine learning competitions. The interest has not cooled as of 2017; today, we see deep learning mentioned in every corner of machine learning.

How Can Machines Learn?

To define how machines can learn, we need to define what we mean by “learning.” In everyday parlance, when we say learning, we mean something like “gaining knowledge by studying, experience, or being taught.” Sharpening our focus a bit, we can think of machine learning as using algorithms for acquiring structural descriptions from data examples. A computer learns something about the structures that represent the information in the raw data. Structural descriptions are another term for the models we build to contain the information extracted from the raw data, and we can use those structures or models to predict unknown data. Structural descriptions (or models) can take many forms, including the following:

  • Decision trees
  • Linear regression
  • Neural network weights
Each model type has a different way of applying rules to known data to predict unknown data. Decision trees create a set of rules in the form of a tree structure and linear models create a set of parameters to represent the input data.


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